Offices: Lively, Brockville, Sault Ste. Marie, Vaughan, Timmins

Ground Control and Mine Blasting Training

Ground Control is a practical workshop which examines and works with the principles of rock stability in underground mines. The mine blasting workshop is a practical workshop which examines and works with explosive principles as applied to both production and development mining.

ground control mine blasting workshop

Ground Control Training Course Information

A practical work shop which examines and works with the principles of rock stability in underground mines. This program is not about using computer applications or design programs but rather a practical examination of the principles that affect the mine stability. 


8 hours

Course Topics

  • The principles of rock stability in underground mines
  • Rock conditions, including structure and stress
  • The use of rock supports will include all commonly used bolts, screen, shotcrete and spray liners
  • The examination of rock conditions
  • The use of typical rock mass classification methods.


Mines and mining plants need to check that employers are complying with the OHSA and Regulation 854: Mines and Mining Plants.

Who Requires this Training

  • Miners who are doing the hands-on drilling and loading work, supervisors who direct blasting activities and technical people involved in blast design will benefit from this workshop.
  • Underground miners
  • Supervisors
  • Health and safety representatives 

Course Benefits

Workshop participants will return to the mine with a refreshed understanding of ground control; the identification of hazards; best practices when implementing support systems and an improved awareness to trouble shoot opening stability.

Mine Blasting Training Course Information

The mine blasting workshop is a practical workshop which examines and works with explosive principles as applied to both production and development mining.


8 hours

Course Topics

  • The release of blast energy into the rock to generate the desired rock fragmentation

  • Variables with explosives, drill patterns, loading methods and rock conditions

  • Blasting fundamentals

  • Mine blasting efficiencies 

  • Principles that affect the performance of a blast.

  • Drilling, hole size, patterns, sequencing and explosive selection -best practices and trouble shooting.

  • Various methods for blast control for both development and production  taking into account rock conditions including the affects of rock stress.


Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations 14.02 any person who handles, transports or stores explosives shall be familiar with and comply with applicable provisions of the Explosives Act (Canada) and any Regulations made thereunder, and the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act (Canada) and Regulations. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 854: Mines and Mining Plants under Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.1

Who Requires this Training

  • Miners who are doing the hands-on drilling and loading work, supervisors who direct blasting activities and technical people involved in blast design will benefit from this workshop.

Course Benefits

This is a practical program for practical mining people with an interest in improving mine blasting performance. Anyone taking this program will return to the mine with improved blasting knowledge to implement blasting practices and trouble shooting skills. The course is aimed at underground mining but surface blasters will also find many useful applications which apply to their surface rock conditions and requirements.

Online Confined Space Training Courses

Confined Space Entry - Permit Required

Confined Space Entry Awareness

Confined Space - Awareness Training (OSHA)

Confined Space Entry - Permit Required
Confined Space Entry Awareness
Confined Space - Awareness Training (OSHA)

This lesson will present the hazards posed by confined spaces, the basic requirements for entry into a permit required confined space, and the safe practices for working in a permit required confined space.

This online Confined Space Entry Awareness course is designed to provide you with basic knowledge and training regarding confined and restricted spaces and their associated hazards

This course will focus on general safety principles and provide information that will increase your recognition of potential confined spaces, improve your knowledge of safe operations, and keep you and those around you safe.

More Safety Training

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Safety Training Catalogue

Workplace Training Management System

Why struggle to manage your employees training when you can simply use the NATT Safety Workplace Training Management System and have peace-of mind today!

With our Workplace Training Management, we manage not only your required training programs and certificates, but your Internal Training, Acknowledgment of Company Policies, Tracking Certificates, and more.

Enjoy the peace of mind knowing your employees' training is kept up to date, and never lose out on potential work due to expired training. On the road? No worries, you can access via your cell phone.

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