Offices: Lively, Brockville, Sault Ste. Marie, Vaughan, Timmins

Chainsaw Safety Training

Receive the best Chainsaw Safety Training and be certified in the safe use of a chainsaw.

chainsaw safety training Sudbury

Chainsaw Safety Training

This is a one-day practical hands-on course. Course participants will be instructed in the safe use and maintenance of a chain saw for general domestic and industrial applications. 


1 day

Course Topics 

  • proper personal protective equipment
  • job planning and risk assessment
  • chain and bar care and maintenance including chain sharpening, tensioning and cleaning
  • power head operation and general maintenance including mixing gas, bar oil, clutch and safety brake cleaning, cleaning air filter and cylinder
  • cutting wood including: basic tree felling, limbing and bucking with an emphasis on risk assessment, cutting plan and using proper techniques; a review of various common chainsaw cutting hazards and an introduction to using and working around common equipment such as tractors and loaders.

The course consists of instructional presentation from experienced saw operators and hands on practical exercises to ensure all course participance can use and maintain the saw safely.


Ontario Law requires that workers be trained in the operation and maintenance of chainsaws. This course was developed based on Canadian federal and provincial legislation, safety standards and industry best practices.

Who Requires this Training

  • Anyone who will operating a chainsaw and does not have the general understanding of operating safely or who needs training with cutting techniques and maintenance.
  •  Municipal workers
  • Landscaping workers

Course Benefits

A theory test and hands on work assessment check is performed for each course participant generating a thorough training record for employers who require this documentation. In addition, NATT Safety Services supplies a training qualification card for each person who successfully completes the course. Training cards are valid for three years from date issued. NATT Safety Services also retains training records for three years in the event proof of training is required.

Online Chainsaw Training Courses

Chainsaw Safety Training (OSHA)

Chainsaw Safety Training (CAN)

Logging and Chainsaw Safety

Chainsaw Safety Training (OSHA)
Logging and Chainsaw Safety

An OSHA-Compliant Training Class Online for Chainsaw safety. This course covers basic chain saw safety as it relates to tree trimming, disaster clean-up, forestry and more. I-CAB Recognized.

An online basic chainsaw safety training class for Canada compliance. This course covers basic chain saw safety as it relates to tree trimming, disaster clean-up, forestry and more. I-CAB Recognized.

Logging is one of the most hazardous industries in the U.S. Medical costs for chainsaw injuries amount to about $350 million per year in the U.S and every year, a number of loggers are fatally injured on the job. This course addresses the hazards of logging with chainsaws and safety precautions workers need to take to reduce their risk of injury on the job.

More Safety Training

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Safety Training Catalogue

Workplace Training Management System

Why struggle to manage your employees training when you can simply use the NATT Safety Workplace Training Management System and have peace-of mind today!

With our Workplace Training Management, we manage not only your required training programs and certificates, but your Internal Training, Acknowledgment of Company Policies, Tracking Certificates, and more.

Enjoy the peace of mind knowing your employees' training is kept up to date, and never lose out on potential work due to expired training. On the road? No worries, you can access via your cell phone.

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