Offices: Lively, Brockville, Sault Ste. Marie, Vaughan, Timmins

Tag: confined spaces training

Tenaris Shutdown Confined Space and Rescue Appreciation

NATT Safety Services is proud to have received a certificate of appreciation last week from Tenaris in Sault Ste. Marie. The attendees for the presentation were Sue Pelletier (Field Supervisor),…
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what is a confined space

What is a confined space?

A confined space is an enclosed or partially enclosed space that is large enough for someone to enter. A confined space could be enclosed on all sides such as a…
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Confined Space Rescue sudbury NATT Safety Services

Confined Space Training Centre

The term confined space is often thought of as deep mine shafts, windowless rooms, or other small, closed spaces. But confined spaces also include closed transport containers and any space…
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